Process and Skills

All art supplies for the classes are included in the cost of the class.

The basic format of the class is a 15 - 20 minute "lesson" introducing a new technique or media.  We all work during the demonstration so that students can get their feet wet right away.  This will be followed by about an hour of practice with the new materials or an opportunity for students to continue work on longer projects.  I work individually with students helping them to improve their skills and increase their confidence with the media.  We wrap-up with a short review of the work being done, and a quick clean-up.

Learning to paint or draw is very much about training oneself to see in a new way.  I focus each class on a specific technique which will help students with different aspects of drawing, painting and design.  Some of the skills I cover include shading (color value and light), color theory (complimentary colors, palettes), line and mark making, and composition.

NOTE: Each individual works at their own pace and on subjects of their own interests.  As a result, some classes may spend more time on painting from life and less on another skill.  And individual students may choose to work on one painting for several classes.